The story of Interphone begins in 2005, when the first product was created by combining Cellularline's know-how in smartphone audio with technological innovation to produce a helmet headset with a special microphone capable of filtering background noise, allowing clearer communication while riding a motorcycle. In 2011, the Interphone Business Unit was born to focus resources and energy exclusively on solutions that would make communication on the move innovative, reliable, and safe. Our company is based in Reggio Emilia, in the heart of the Motor Valley, a region renowned for its excellence in the motor industry.
The Business Unit is a real company within the company, composed of a team of professionals passionate about motorcycling: product managers, developers, marketing specialists, and customer care experts, all dedicated to improving the riding experience for motorcyclists.
Our vision is to make every ride and driving experience more connected, safe, and enjoyable. We believe that connectivity and safety are fundamental elements for a complete and rewarding riding experience. This is why we are committed to developing reliable products, created with passion and deep knowledge of the sector, to equip every motorcyclist with the best technology available. Interphone is dedicated to continually innovating to improve the lives of those who love to travel on two wheels, ensuring that every journey is a unique and worry-free experience.
The story of Interphone begins in 2005, when the first product was created by combining Cellularline's know-how in smartphone audio with technological innovation to produce a helmet headset with a special microphone capable of filtering background noise, allowing clearer communication while riding a motorcycle. In 2011, the Interphone Business Unit was born to focus resources and energy exclusively on solutions that would make communication on the move innovative, reliable, and safe. Our company is based in Reggio Emilia, in the heart of the Motor Valley, a region renowned for its excellence in the motor industry.
The Business Unit is a real company within the company, composed of a team of professionals passionate about motorcycling: product managers, developers, marketing specialists, and customer care experts, all dedicated to improving the riding experience for motorcyclists.
Our vision is to make every ride and driving experience more connected, safe, and enjoyable. We believe that connectivity and safety are fundamental elements for a complete and rewarding riding experience. This is why we are committed to developing reliable products, created with passion and deep knowledge of the sector, to equip every motorcyclist with the best technology available. Interphone is dedicated to continually innovating to improve the lives of those who love to travel on two wheels, ensuring that every journey is a unique and worry-free experience.
Ecco una guida per aiutarti a pianificare il tuo prossimo viaggio in moto.
Pianificare un viaggio in moto richiede una certa attenzione ai dettagli, ma con la giusta preparazione, può diventare un'esperienza entusiasmante e gratificante.