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Modello 231

Cellularline S.p.A. (formerly Cellular Italia S.p.A. with Sole Shareholder), on March 3, 2017, adopted the "Organization and Management Model pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231/2001" (hereinafter referred to as the "Model") and appointed the Supervisory Body (hereinafter "ODV") as required by the same regulation. Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 introduced administrative liability for companies, arising from the commission of specific offenses to be determined in criminal proceedings.

The "Organization and Management Model pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231/2001," together with the Supervisory Body, which ensures its compliance and updating, are tools provided by Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 to companies to prevent the commission of crimes, thereby minimizing the risk and exempting the company from administrative liability in criminal proceedings.

To fulfill its preventive function, the Model includes a set of behavioral protocols and a code of ethics, which, within their relevant scope, must be known and observed by all parties entering into contractual relationships with Cellularline S.p.A.

[Download the Code of Ethics here]

[Download the Organization, Management, and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231 dated June 8, 2001, here]